E-Cigarettes--The New Fashion Accessory
May 30, 2012
Celebrities Choosing E-Cigarettes
It is no secret that celebrities are on the forefront of trends. No one can bring a new fashion designer into the eyes of the public like a Hollywood starlet. There has been an influx of health trends to hit the United States in recent years due to some celebrity attention and endorsement.
It is very apparent that celebrities often have the bad habit of smoking. Being famous comes with a lot of stress and pressure of staying thin and many light up to stave off the pressure. Some actors may be lighting up to study for a role and get hooked.
The newest health trend in Hollywood is using electronic cigarettes to kick the nasty habit. Some of Hollywood's biggest names such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Kevin Connolly and Dennis Quaid have been spotted ditching the pack for these en vouge vapor sticks.
Most famously is Katherine Heigl who spoke about quitting and using the device on the David Letterman show last year. According to an interview she gave in Parade, she wanted to quit because she was a new mom. A quote from that interview:
“Now I use an electronic cigarette. I know it's ridiculous, but it's helping me not to actually smoke real cigarettes. You feel like you are smoking, and you get to exhale but it's just water vapor and not nicotine. I've been doing it for six months. Smoking sucks! The one thing I would say to my kid is, 'It's not just that it's bad for you. Do you want to spend the rest of your life fighting a stupid addiction to a stupid thing that doesn't even really give you a good buzz.”
To Heigl, it has been the only thing that helped her stave off the craving to light up.
Other celebrities who have also been spotted vaping are Jersey Shore's Jwoww and Trace Cyrus. It wont be long before vaping is the norm and smoking is so last year.